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How to tie your silk square in your hair?

Comment nouer son carré de soie dans les cheveux ?Voici comment nouer un foulard de soie dans les cheveux en quelques étapes très simples.

Silk scarves are fashion accessories with multiple uses, which add a touch of fantasy and elegance to your style, and complete an outfit.

Here's how to tie a silk scarf in your hair in a few very simple steps.

1. Choose the perfect silk square

It is important to choose a good quality silk square in order to obtain an elegant result, and a hairstyle that holds well in place throughout the day and does not electrify the hair.
First, choose a silk scarf that is at least 36 inches long. Square scarves work well for this technique, but you can also experiment with rectangular scarves to achieve different looks. Make sure the scarf is clean and properly steamed for a neat look.

2. Place the scarf flat, with the printed side facing the support. Fold 2 opposite corners towards the center, and place them point to point in the center of the silk square. Then, fold the sides towards the center to form a strip, as long as possible on the diagonal of the square.

tie silk scarf in hair

3. Position the strip formed by the folded silk square well centered at the back of the head. Bring the corners forward and tie at the forehead.

tutorial on how to tie a silk square in your hair

4. Tie a second knot over the first and tighten well to secure the silk square.

tutorial on styling your hair with a silk scarf

5. Tuck the ends of the silk scarf that are sticking out into the headband thus formed. Finish the hairstyle, adjust the headband and any folds.

6. Finalize your look

Complete your outfit with matching accessories, such as chunky earrings, to add a touch of sophistication to your look.

There you have it, you have successfully tied a silk scarf into an original headband. This technique allows you to create a unique and sophisticated hairstyle, and to bring the touch of originality and elegance that will finalize your outfit!

You can browse the online store in search of the perfect silk square model to create this original hairstyle!

tutorial on how to tie a silk scarf in your hair


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